Tag Archives: free

Last Minute Gift Giving Tip

Not that I’m an expert or anything, but an anomaly is occurring in my life and it’s made me think about the topic.

My boyfriend’s grandmother, my best friend since I was 6, my mother and my mother’s mother are all celebrating their birthday in about as many days.

Which brings me to our topic. Gifts. I love giving them. Only problem is I never feel like anything is ever good enough, or I just procrastinate, or maybe sometimes I just get so wrapped up in my own life that- I forget. Regardless, last minute scrambling is not a foreign concept to me.

One really cool way to overcome this issue I’ve recently been made privy to is through a site called DreamRetailer.com. The site has a bunch of awesome features powered by Shop, but the feature I have found extremely useful when I have succumbed to being paralyzed by indecision or the many other reasons I am not prepared is eGift.

When I use eGift, I am actually able to instantly give the person I care about the ability to choose from as many gift options as I want. Each option can display a personal message, such as the reason I chose the gift, and the best part is it is delivered right to their email. When they receive my email, the option to choose one of my gift offers is given to them along with any messages I have decided to include.

This creative, easy, and best of all free feature gives me a chance to show that special person how much I really do care about them, even when ‘I act a fool’.