Tag Archives: Commute

Find the beauty

Traffic Jam – Wilmington, Delaware

I despise sitting in traffic. I think it’s because I don’t really like driving. Between all of the accidents I’ve seen and the pollution it causes, I was thrilled to take public transit for the most part in NYC believe it or not. My mind is also always running and if I’m driving well, I’m really not allowed to multitask.

I’m trying to be more mindful and with that comes gratitude. So when I saw that my drive time was nearly doubled because of this traffic in front of me, I decided to be grateful for this awesome view and the chance to capture it since I could slow down to nearly a stop – unusual on 95.

30 Day Challenge: Day 15

Home sweet home
Home sweet home

I ride the subway all the time. Every weekday I commute an hour from my home in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn to mid-town Manhattan for work. I then commute an hour back home at the end of each day. I take the same trains every day I do this commute.

On this particular day, I was sitting on the train playing solitaire (a nice way to pass the time) when I realize I am not on the right line. The D train I was riding had turned into a B and was taking me to a different part of Brooklyn. Yay.

This has happened to me before. But in my favor — effectively cutting my hour commute in HALF. This day, I nearly doubled my commute having to back track and then transfer to the correct train home.

Public transportation was not my friend this day.