Tag Archives: #live

30 Day Challenge- Day 3

THIRD POST IN A ROW!!! *Dont’ call me a hero.*

I’ve talked about this a bit before, but I’ve been ZOOMING the past few days. It’s definitely helped push me to write. Thankfully it’s not as INTENSE as I’ve felt before where it’s almost really too much. I don’t actually ever recall it lasting this long – three whole days of near clarity. Feeling alive. Feeling like I can do almost anything. It’s not so intense that it’s burning fast and bright. More of a slow simmer. Maybe that’s why it’s lasted this long.

I’m trying not to think about the crash but, of course, here I am writing about it.

Eek – let’s change the subject.

Has anyone else felt extremely energized lately? Maybe it’s knowing we are on the cusp of a new year and a new decade or maybe it’s the lunar cycle, but whatever it is I’m feeling it and I hope you are too!

Take these next few weeks to genuinely reflect on your inner wants and needs. Are you aligned? Ask yourself why, if the answer is no. You deserve what you want and the Universe truly wants to give it to you. But you have to be open to it.

We can choose to start any time – however I believe right now there is an abundance of strong positive energy and it’s yours for the taking.

John Lennon Memorial in Central Park, NYC

30 Day Challenge – Day 2

Gorgeous view captured in South Beach, Miami on the deck of a catamaran fittingly named, “The Cat’s Meow”

What stops us from doing the things we want to do (or at least proclaim we want to do), really?

I hear it all the time. “I would love to do something like that one day.” Or how about, “Gosh, that would be my dream come true!”

What force is stopping us?

Janet from your office just went on a solo back-packing trip through Europe and all you have to say is, “I wish I could do that!”

Well, why can’t you?

This isn’t just for extreme examples. We do this with anything. Eating healthier, trying a new hobby, moving to a new place, speaking up more in meetings, WEARING A HAT. I think you know what I’m talking about.

I do it. I know I do it. But, why?

I’ve been exploring this concept more and more and I’m finding it incredibly fascinating – even better it’s changing the way I think.

30 Day Challenge: Day 18 (Live and Learn)

2014 Mideast Regional, Ocean City, Maryland
2014 Mideast Regional, Ocean City, Maryland

This is my 18th post (in not 30 days). I wish I could say that I’ve written one post every day for 18 days but I often convinced myself that for one reason or another I couldn’t.

And then, as more and more days came between me and my goal, I started to believe it was over and I had failed so I should just stop.

I said this to myself like I had broken some imaginary blogging rule. There isn’t by the way.

This is MY blog. I make the rules.

This weekend I’m in Ocean City, Maryland for a convention. Jerry is part of an amazing opportunity and I support him. I’ve attended a couple of these conventions before but this weekend really forced me to evaluate some things.

I impose rules on myself all the time. I also hinder my own success by telling myself I am doing it wrong or I can’t do what I set out to do. It sounds obvious, but I have to stop doing this.

I am making the conscious decision to instead, encourage myself. Life is always going to be full of unexpected challenges, why should I impose more on myself?

Something I struggle with is accepting that you need to have patience to succeed. Patience with others, but most importantly patience with myself.

Baby steps are easier to visualize than to actualize.  Most things in life are. But if you believe in your WHY and you are patient with yourself, it becomes a way of life.

I have a lot of ideas right now. I have a lot of hope and motivation too. But it’s up to me to take action.