Tag Archives: wellness

Be Kind to Yourself

I completed my challenge! And promptly dropped off the fitness planet.

I know this isn’t unusual but I let it get to me. I got frustrated with myself and I did weird things like scold myself repeatedly but then eat garbage and then follow that with more scolding. All the while doing zero physical activity.

I lost 6 pounds in 6 weeks and gained a ton of strength. My clothes are fitting better and I’ve gotten compliments from those who haven’t seen me since before I started the 6 week challenge.

So why did I just stop?

It’s hard to keep going without the right motivation. The challenge gave me a sense of “I have to go” but once it ended it was all up to me. And, I never tell myself, “I have to go”.

So what am I doing this for? That’s what I have to focus on.

Immediately after stopping I started to feel terrible. My body felt sluggish, I was exhausted all over again. I started craving junk more and more with every meal I caved into.

It was that familiar slippery slope.

And I remembered why. I don’t want to feel this way anymore. It’s been years and years with hardly any change and I don’t want it anymore!

Today I decided to be kinder to myself. I decided to be patient and forgive myself for the past couple of weeks where I stopped all my hard earned good habits.

I decided to try again.

And the coolest thing happened. I did better than I had in any class I took during the entire 6 week challenge! I pushed myself because I truly believed I could do it and that I deserved it.

It feels so good too! It actually makes me want to try again.

But I know this feeling is temporary. Soon enough I will feel tired and start to get frustrated with myself. The negative thoughts will creep back into my head and it will be up to me to be kinder to myself. To be patient and to forgive when I slip.

Most importantly, it will be up to me to try again.

January – that same old song and dance

January has been a bit of a whirlwind. First of all, why is it already almost over?

As previously stated, I don’t have resolutions per se. I do have life goals of course. The same damn life goals I’ve had probably my whole life.

I joined a “transformation challenge”. I don’t expect to win but first place is *$1,250 and I figured 1) I need money for my future wedding 2) It wouldn’t be terrible to be less massive for my wedding as well. SO WHY THE HELL NOT?

I really think I’ve finally reached the peak I’ve always longed for. I’m at a place in life where I’ve seen enough from others and experienced enough myself to know one thing for sure. WHY THE HELL NOT?

I truly believe the only one holding us back is ourselves.

Okay so here is the thing about this challenge. I HAVE to go a MINIMUM of 3X per week to class. That makes sense to see any kind of change, right?

My issues are simple. I’m starting from scratch – I currently work out zero times a week. I travel a lot and have a crazy schedule and work a ton so I’m always tired or struggling to find time to go to a class. I eat garbage. Literally. All I do is eat out. There’s a whole bunch of layers to that last one but regardless of why it’s still a huge issue.

So today I joined the “transformation challenge” and I decided to forgive myself for all of the shitty decisions I’ve made in my life. Today is a new day. Plus, it’s still January! So WHY THE HELL NOT?

Play that song one more time – maybe it’ll inspire you to start an entirely new track.

*Correction after published – Cash prize is $1,250 not $2,500 (that was if Jerry also participated). Still a great prize!!

Healthy = Patient

Desperate to make bigger strides and working out during my LUNCH break 😭

Losing weight in a healthy way is really testing my patience. I’m seeing improvements but they are so tiny and they feel like they take FOR-EV-ER.

I don’t want to be unhealthy though. I won’t starve myself and I won’t workout to the point of exhaustion. That’s not a healthy lifestyle.

I’ve been told over and over that I can’t compare myself to anyone else but being a woman it’s especially not fair to compare myself to the three men I live with. BUT HOW CAN I NOT? 

One of my housemates had already lost nearly 30 pounds! These guys just need to talk about going to the gym and they lose weight, I swear! Then there’s me.

I workout almost every single day, sometimes twice a day! I’m eating better too! But in that same amount of time (probably about an honest month of being more mindful) I’ve lost about 2 lbs (maybe). 


But to build a new lifestyle I need to take these baby steps. I have to be patient. Because once I get to my goal body composition (it’s got to be about more than weight) I will have to work to maintain it! 

Patience, patience, patience.

One day at a time. I’m sure I’ll cry about this again soon so I’ll keep you posted as always!

Backsliding – Saint Patrick’s Day Shenanigans and Birthday Burlesque 

Amazing performance from Sweet Spot Nation, sweetspotnation.com this past weekend in Baltimore, MD

This past weekend was a double Wammy for me! Saint Patrick’s Day AND a best friend’s/housemate’s birthday. It would prove challenging.

I definitely drank this past weekend. And yes, I’d say I also indulged a bit more food wise than I would have liked. But overall I’m fairly proud that I didn’t go too overboard – at least with the food. Drinks might be another story.

A pizza with veggies is healthy right? – Joe Squared in Baltimore, Maryland
By Monday I did NOT want to be healthy anymore. Hungover and exhausted from a fun weekend (NYC to Wilmington to Baltimore and back to Wilmington) all I was craving was fat to soak up the alcohol. Too sick to think about working out I canceled my plans for the morning and skipped my evening workout too.

As I started to accept this would be another failed attempt at getting my act together and being healthier, I went to my Tuesday morning workout.

Just when I felt like backsliding some more I found out I’m down 5 pounds and over 4% body fat!! Needless to say I’m encouraged.

Back to eating what I was before now, I’m re-energized and ready for another workout tonight with a couple of my housemates.

But this shows me that when challenged I still have a lot of work to do. 

For now I’m encouraged and I’m going to hold onto that. I want a healthy lifestyle, not to diet. I have to be patient with myself while I work to get there.

Turning a new leaf

Pictured above: scrambled eggs with fruit and veggie smoothie/juice
Over the past several months I’ve been working toward creating a healthier lifestyle. I don’t want to diet, I want a long term change to happen.

It’s been a slow process because, for perhaps the first time in my life, I am exercising extreme patience. 

Baby steps and small victories have become important to me.

Newark Farmer’s Market, Delaware

Something else that’s new for me is that I’m not doing this alone. It’s a team effort between me and my housemates. The four of us together have made a commitment to improve our lives before we get to a point where it may honestly be too late.

Getting older will do this to you but we are all just turned/turning 28 and are hoping to get a head start on a conclusion that has been becoming more and more blatant – you have to put YOU first in order to be the best you can be for OTHERS. 

Losing people will also do this to you. You’re forced to remember, we don’t get to live forever. 

The upside to these kinds of life events is – if even only fleeting – we are smacked in the face with what’s a priority and what isn’t. Collectively, we’ve decided our health should be a priority and it hasn’t been.

Our house shopping cart! ❤

I am encouraged by the progress so far but I have so many posts on my blog just like this one where I’ve had some kind of awakening and I know what I have to do. Only time will tell.

I’m going to make a promise to be honest and tell you either way what happens. 

30 Day Challenge: Day 9

Health and Wellness Seminar with Nutritionist Karen Marino
Health and Wellness Seminar with Nutritionist Karen Marino

Last night was a late night. Tonight was also a late night – I’m really cutting it down to the wire. I have to post twice to catch up, so here I go!

Last night I attended a health and wellness seminar with Nutritionist Karen Marino and it was actually really interesting. I learned a lot about health in general, how to treat ailments and what I can do to prevent many common health risks like cancer and heart failure.

It was really amazing to hear the testimonials from her clients and from her own life. The best part was that she really explained things in a way that helped me to get a better understanding of my body and how it works.

I plan to expand on this, but for boe if you’d like more information feel free to contact me and check out dreamretailer.com where you can find many products at the shop portal by the Isotonix (a unique and effective femur system for nutrients your body may be lacking) that will lead you on the road to better health.